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i will eat your dogs if you don't fix this
Published on April 24, 2009 By garchiver In Stardock Games

Soooooooo like I bought Demigod today and I was rawring to go and play multiplayer with my homies buuuuttttt..... I can't join any games or host a joinable game.  I did everything on my end (firewall, antivirus, port forwarding, dmz, flying to the moon, kicking babies, etc.) so what is this crap. <- sums up my feelings pretty well.

on Apr 25, 2009

I have had that happen with copies that aren't registered in Impulse (whether they're activated or not...) only can get the one where it was installed normally to host games.


Don't know how relevant that is, but worth checking into.

on Apr 26, 2009

Don't feel too bad; I've only played about a dozen MP games after trying to enter several hundred. The mp is hopeless right know. SD needs to get this straightened out before this thing starts hittin the dustbin.